Born 16/07/2018
8 babies - five boys and three girls weighing from 415 grams to 515 grams
Father : Foulby still talking (Chatterbox)
June 2th 2009
Dam : Got the look of Tintagel Winds (Missy)
January 05th 2012
8 Weeks / Semaines.
Six of Missy's babies have gone to join their new families. Long, healthy and happy lives, my babies.
❤️ ❤️❤️
Six of Missy's babies have gone to join their new families. Long, healthy and happy lives, my babies.
❤️ ❤️❤️
7 Weeks / Semaines
Missy's puppies are 7 weeks today.
It's hot and not conducive to sitting quietly on a bench in full sun with their tongues inside.
I've exhausted my repertory of weird sounds and if I'd just had someone to do it for me . . . the photos would have been better.
Wormed yesterday again, nails cut later today (yes, all 144 of them) when I weigh them and all the paperwork now filled in and ready (about 3 hours' hard work !) for the Vet's visit on thursday morning and their departure next week. Green would like to find his heart-family.
It's been a pleasure.
Missy's puppies are 7 weeks today.
It's hot and not conducive to sitting quietly on a bench in full sun with their tongues inside.
I've exhausted my repertory of weird sounds and if I'd just had someone to do it for me . . . the photos would have been better.
Wormed yesterday again, nails cut later today (yes, all 144 of them) when I weigh them and all the paperwork now filled in and ready (about 3 hours' hard work !) for the Vet's visit on thursday morning and their departure next week. Green would like to find his heart-family.
It's been a pleasure.
6 Weeks / Semaines
5 Weeks / Semaines
The five boys - Royal Blue, Pale Blue, Turquoise, Orange and Green.
The three girls at 5 weeks. Pink, Red and Yellow.
4 Weeks / Semaines
3 Weeks / Semaines
6 of the 8 Missy's trying to figure out what on earth this yellow stuff is, and above all, how does one manage to get it from the stainless steel bowl into one's mouth . . . there's no teat or anything to suck or pull on . . ???? H*E*L*P !
6 of the 8 Missy's trying to figure out what on earth this yellow stuff is, and above all, how does one manage to get it from the stainless steel bowl into one's mouth . . . there's no teat or anything to suck or pull on . . ???? H*E*L*P !
2 Weeks / Semaines
Missy's babies hit TWO WEEKS at mid-day today, difficult to believe that time has moved so fast. The 2 without collars in the photo were put back with their siblings for the picture. They are Red and Green
10 Days / Jours
! Oh ! Oh ! Let's not forget that BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL ❣️
And here we have Missy's 8 gorgeous babies who hit 10 days today. Average weight is 1,025 Kg
As a group they have welcomed Tiffany - a yellow blob parachuted into their midst.
3 Days / Jours
it's not the first time a C-section has blocked/delayed the milk supply. The whole delicate situation was not letting the puppies have too easy a time on the bottle or they would give up trying to suck (and thus stimulate) the teats. It's getting the balance right while weighing before and after each bottle feed and then 3 times a days out of anxiety !
After 2 1/2 rather difficult days with no milk delivery and rushing from coping with all the other dogs, preparing bottles of milk and trying to force some not-very-cooperative babies into drinking 24 hours round the clock - MISSY NOW HAS MILK
it's not the first time a C-section has blocked/delayed the milk supply. The whole delicate situation was not letting the puppies have too easy a time on the bottle or they would give up trying to suck (and thus stimulate) the teats. It's getting the balance right while weighing before and after each bottle feed and then 3 times a days out of anxiety !
After 2 1/2 rather difficult days with no milk delivery and rushing from coping with all the other dogs, preparing bottles of milk and trying to force some not-very-cooperative babies into drinking 24 hours round the clock - MISSY NOW HAS MILK
1 Day / Jour
It was a very busy delivery for everyone present after a slow start hanging around for an hour; and then within one hour Missy was out, strapped, opened, emptied and sewn up and brought back to life. She dropped from 42 kilos at 9 a.m. to 35 kilos at mid-day !
Meawhile 2 stagiaires, one employee and myself were busy resuscitating 8 rather limp little babies, very shocked to find themselves in broad daylight ! Charlotte (the Vet) did a great job, so did everyone else !
Then home to the non-bio-whelping-box and the infra-red lamp with 8 babies - five boys and three girls weighing from 415 grams to 515 grams. Everyone seems to be doing O.K.
It was a very busy delivery for everyone present after a slow start hanging around for an hour; and then within one hour Missy was out, strapped, opened, emptied and sewn up and brought back to life. She dropped from 42 kilos at 9 a.m. to 35 kilos at mid-day !
Meawhile 2 stagiaires, one employee and myself were busy resuscitating 8 rather limp little babies, very shocked to find themselves in broad daylight ! Charlotte (the Vet) did a great job, so did everyone else !
Then home to the non-bio-whelping-box and the infra-red lamp with 8 babies - five boys and three girls weighing from 415 grams to 515 grams. Everyone seems to be doing O.K.