Multi Ch. & Trialer Falling In Love of Tintagel winds (Love)
(19/02/2010 - 01/04/2022)
(Ch. Tam O'Shanter of Tintagel Winds x Ch. VVest With The Night of Tintagel Winds)
Hanches BVA 6/6 - Coudes BVA 0 - Yeux OK - Optigen A - CNM n/n
French Champion & Swiss Champion
Field Trialer
Best Bitch In France 2012
-Chiots (M) - 30/12/2016- Foulby Still Talking (Chatterbox)
Hanches BVA 6/6 - Coudes BVA 0 - Yeux OK - Optigen A - CNM n/n
French Champion & Swiss Champion
Field Trialer
Best Bitch In France 2012
-Chiots (M) - 30/12/2016- Foulby Still Talking (Chatterbox)
French champion, International Champion, Swiss Champion, Trialer FALLING IN LOVE OF TINTAGEL WINDS. (19/02/2010 - 01/04/2022)
It should not have been this way. The foolishness of humans, the incompetence of Vets and the violence and cruelty of fake kennel replacements with false credentials. The sum total of the last six difficult years of your life. My innocent LOVE, trusting and faithful, I am just so, so sorry. A bitter day.