Born on November 21th 2021
MEGA HUGGING SUNDAY OF TINTAGEL WINDS (Meg) and Multi Champion and Field Trial Champion Carromer's Charlie Chalk (Charlie)
The FCI hip and elbow official results - Hips AA, Elbows 00
Tested absolutely free of everything by the 19 Labrador tests, including the coat
The passionate acorn eater
The passionate acorn eater
20 months -
Thank you to Jez for the presentation.
20 months -
Thank you to Jez for the presentation.
1 Year
So Be It - Charlie’s and Meg’s daughter - 12 months tomorrow. Time will tell . . . But for now I like her front construction: profile, neck, shoulder placement, bone . .
1 Year
So Be It - Charlie’s and Meg’s daughter - 12 months tomorrow. Time will tell . . . But for now I like her front construction: profile, neck, shoulder placement, bone . .
_____________________________________________________ 28/08/2022
9 Months
Multi-Dual Champion Carromer’s Charlie Chalk (1991-2004) X Mega Hugging Sunday of T.W.
Only time will tell . . . .
9 Months
Multi-Dual Champion Carromer’s Charlie Chalk (1991-2004) X Mega Hugging Sunday of T.W.
Only time will tell . . . .
6 Months
Well done to Sandrine and to SO BE IT OF T.W. - litter sister to SUGAR DADDY. She was Best Puppy Labrador yesterday in Switzerland and though completely exhausted by the late (evening) group judging - she took 4th place in the main ring. Her first show and on her own, HER day
6 Months
Well done to Sandrine and to SO BE IT OF T.W. - litter sister to SUGAR DADDY. She was Best Puppy Labrador yesterday in Switzerland and though completely exhausted by the late (evening) group judging - she took 4th place in the main ring. Her first show and on her own, HER day
My two treasures (well I admit to having others too !) - Sugar Daddy of T.W. and his sister So Be It of T.W. Now 5 months and 3 weeks tomorrow.
An immense "thank you" to Sandrine for all the care, training and love she is giving them while I wait to move into my (their) new house. And a big "thank you" to Jean-Marc Wurtz for the photo and for all his positive comments.
My two treasures (well I admit to having others too !) - Sugar Daddy of T.W. and his sister So Be It of T.W. Now 5 months and 3 weeks tomorrow.
An immense "thank you" to Sandrine for all the care, training and love she is giving them while I wait to move into my (their) new house. And a big "thank you" to Jean-Marc Wurtz for the photo and for all his positive comments.
5 Months
Happy five months' old to my little treasure, So Be It. And a big thank you to Sandrine Trubert for the photos and for her care.
5 Months
Happy five months' old to my little treasure, So Be It. And a big thank you to Sandrine Trubert for the photos and for her care.
4 Months
The Charlie X Meg babies are 4 months old today.
Such a precious pedigree - the last of the Charlie semen.
But I'm moving in two weeks' time and I can only take one with me.
And they really should go to top class breeders (who only breed Labradors, sine qua non) to carry on the fabulous and unique Labrador story into new generations . . . .
4 Months
The Charlie X Meg babies are 4 months old today.
Such a precious pedigree - the last of the Charlie semen.
But I'm moving in two weeks' time and I can only take one with me.
And they really should go to top class breeders (who only breed Labradors, sine qua non) to carry on the fabulous and unique Labrador story into new generations . . . .
13 Weeks
Many thanks to KG-G for presenting him (and his sisters) for my camera to enjoy. Alone (me), they are just under my feet and no profile picture is possible unless I squash them into inertia.
13 Weeks
Many thanks to KG-G for presenting him (and his sisters) for my camera to enjoy. Alone (me), they are just under my feet and no profile picture is possible unless I squash them into inertia.
10 Weeks
10 Weeks
24 days
The five stages of grounded puppies with egg custard. The Charlie X Meg babies, now 24 days.
24 days
The five stages of grounded puppies with egg custard. The Charlie X Meg babies, now 24 days.
19 days
Megs will be grounded today - and start egg-custard tomorrow. The fox has learned his job of keeping them all in a cluster.
Swabs for the Charlie X Meg babies went off to DDC on thursday for the coat-check. One heck of a job taking cheek swabs from 18 day old babies. We will see what we will see . . . . . . . (I'm hoping Murphy is off on holiday for Christmas)
19 days
Megs will be grounded today - and start egg-custard tomorrow. The fox has learned his job of keeping them all in a cluster.
Swabs for the Charlie X Meg babies went off to DDC on thursday for the coat-check. One heck of a job taking cheek swabs from 18 day old babies. We will see what we will see . . . . . . . (I'm hoping Murphy is off on holiday for Christmas)
2 weeks
Multi Ch. and F.T. Ch. Carromer Charlie Chalk X Mega Hugging Sunday of T.W. - the miracle litter now 2 weeks old and growing well.
2 weeks
Multi Ch. and F.T. Ch. Carromer Charlie Chalk X Mega Hugging Sunday of T.W. - the miracle litter now 2 weeks old and growing well.
9 days
9 days
5 days
5 girls (Fuschia, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green & I boy : Royal Blue (what else !) Born November 20th 2021. Certainly the last of Charlie's children. Charlie (16th November 1991 - 20th September 2004). Meg carries Yellow (ha ! YES !), born 18th September 2016, daughter of Foulby Still Talking & Have One On Me of T.W. Meg CLEAR for all 7 DNA tests. Charlie CLEAR for the 3 done in 1994. Both excellent hips and elbows.
5 days
5 girls (Fuschia, Orange, Red, Yellow, Green & I boy : Royal Blue (what else !) Born November 20th 2021. Certainly the last of Charlie's children. Charlie (16th November 1991 - 20th September 2004). Meg carries Yellow (ha ! YES !), born 18th September 2016, daughter of Foulby Still Talking & Have One On Me of T.W. Meg CLEAR for all 7 DNA tests. Charlie CLEAR for the 3 done in 1994. Both excellent hips and elbows.
Six healthy and lovely little babies but not exactly what I was hoping for in the way of colour and sex. Who would have thought there'd not be even ONE yellow and five girls to only one boy. Huh ! Murphy (of course).
This was an incredible team effort from the start and my thanks go to Alain and Etienne for their unfailing help, professionalism and enthusiasm, also to Konrad Blendiger in Frankfurt for dry-shipping the straws from Germany to Etienne. To Carromer's Charlie Chalk for his semen and to Meg, a priceless mother and caretaker of puppies.
A special thank you to Etienne who, after all day at the Geneva International Show, came with his fiancée to bring me medication to stimulate Meg's milk supply. He was just in time to scoop up the only boy - Royal Blue who arrived at exactly the same time !
And a big thank-you to all my other dogs, abandoned all day as I whelped with Meg, and maybe a little one to me too for going 48 hours with nothing to eat, just coffee to drink, no sleep at all, and forgetting all my medication.
I finished cleaning everything up, washing Meg, and putting the others to bed at 11.30 p.m. last night and too tired to "cook" I found one pizza left in the freezer. Seemed simple and quick. It is if you don't forget it and find it after an hour of wasted electricity, wasted pizza that even the dogs won't eat . . . so I ended up with Reblochon & Tuc and a G&T before gong back down to 'sleep' beside my treasures.
Six healthy and lovely little babies but not exactly what I was hoping for in the way of colour and sex. Who would have thought there'd not be even ONE yellow and five girls to only one boy. Huh ! Murphy (of course).
This was an incredible team effort from the start and my thanks go to Alain and Etienne for their unfailing help, professionalism and enthusiasm, also to Konrad Blendiger in Frankfurt for dry-shipping the straws from Germany to Etienne. To Carromer's Charlie Chalk for his semen and to Meg, a priceless mother and caretaker of puppies.
A special thank you to Etienne who, after all day at the Geneva International Show, came with his fiancée to bring me medication to stimulate Meg's milk supply. He was just in time to scoop up the only boy - Royal Blue who arrived at exactly the same time !
And a big thank-you to all my other dogs, abandoned all day as I whelped with Meg, and maybe a little one to me too for going 48 hours with nothing to eat, just coffee to drink, no sleep at all, and forgetting all my medication.
I finished cleaning everything up, washing Meg, and putting the others to bed at 11.30 p.m. last night and too tired to "cook" I found one pizza left in the freezer. Seemed simple and quick. It is if you don't forget it and find it after an hour of wasted electricity, wasted pizza that even the dogs won't eat . . . so I ended up with Reblochon & Tuc and a G&T before gong back down to 'sleep' beside my treasures.
Little trip in the fog to Saint Julien this morning to do X-rays of Meg
Soooooo Meg has SIX Charlie babies due as of next Tuesday. Next Tuesday will be Charlie's 30th birthday. Colours and sexes unknown (wait 10 years and we'll be able to get those too).
Little trip in the fog to Saint Julien this morning to do X-rays of Meg
Soooooo Meg has SIX Charlie babies due as of next Tuesday. Next Tuesday will be Charlie's 30th birthday. Colours and sexes unknown (wait 10 years and we'll be able to get those too).
MEG - 4 hearts are beating. Progesterone level gone from a worrying 10ng on 18/10 to over 40 ng today. Well worth the lack of sleep and alarm clocks ringing at all hours of the day and night. .
MEG - 4 hearts are beating. Progesterone level gone from a worrying 10ng on 18/10 to over 40 ng today. Well worth the lack of sleep and alarm clocks ringing at all hours of the day and night. .
Up again yesterday at 5.40 and ready to leave for Saint Julien at 9.40. Not much fun picking up poo at 6 a.m. in the rain with failing eyesight and a frontal lamp. Why oh why isn't poo a sensible fluo colour ? Arrived well on time. Progesterone tests fine, insemination went well despite rather horrid environmental conditions for poor Meg who was stressed by the loud noises and great activity close around her. I would definitely have preferred a quieter and more protective atmosphere.
Home again at 2 p.m. to see how all the other dogs were faring and then off again in heavy traffic at 4 p.m. for the second insemination. And finally home at 8 p.m. in time for night crashing in, and a run in the dog-parks, and then bed for all the dogs. After that the cleaning of the runs where they'd been all day because of the rain. And finally supper and a G&T at 11.30 p.m.
A very long, hectic and stressful day. Meg was an angel.
Now only time will tell . . . . roll on day 23.
Up again yesterday at 5.40 and ready to leave for Saint Julien at 9.40. Not much fun picking up poo at 6 a.m. in the rain with failing eyesight and a frontal lamp. Why oh why isn't poo a sensible fluo colour ? Arrived well on time. Progesterone tests fine, insemination went well despite rather horrid environmental conditions for poor Meg who was stressed by the loud noises and great activity close around her. I would definitely have preferred a quieter and more protective atmosphere.
Home again at 2 p.m. to see how all the other dogs were faring and then off again in heavy traffic at 4 p.m. for the second insemination. And finally home at 8 p.m. in time for night crashing in, and a run in the dog-parks, and then bed for all the dogs. After that the cleaning of the runs where they'd been all day because of the rain. And finally supper and a G&T at 11.30 p.m.
A very long, hectic and stressful day. Meg was an angel.
Now only time will tell . . . . roll on day 23.
The start - Le début
Up at 5h40 - it's just totally impossible to leave here for the trip to Saint Julien at 9h45 having done all that has to be done for all the dogs if I rise and shine at 6.30. So a wild and exhausting rush culminating in an arrival 15 minutes early for the 11 a.m. appointment. Meg as usual being her silly self and anxious about the reason for her being there. All is well and the bonus as we were leaving was Etienne rushing out to say that the dry-shipper from Germany had just arrived. Fed-Ex, for once, was on time and in the right place.
Next visit Monday morning at 11 a.m. and then Monday afternoon at 5.30 p.m. It's going to be one hectic and anxious day
The start - Le début
Up at 5h40 - it's just totally impossible to leave here for the trip to Saint Julien at 9h45 having done all that has to be done for all the dogs if I rise and shine at 6.30. So a wild and exhausting rush culminating in an arrival 15 minutes early for the 11 a.m. appointment. Meg as usual being her silly self and anxious about the reason for her being there. All is well and the bonus as we were leaving was Etienne rushing out to say that the dry-shipper from Germany had just arrived. Fed-Ex, for once, was on time and in the right place.
Next visit Monday morning at 11 a.m. and then Monday afternoon at 5.30 p.m. It's going to be one hectic and anxious day